PVC Windows & Doors

PVC is today the most successful window construction material, and the market share is constantly growing. When building the apartments, the share is 60%, and in the case of old buildings, seven out of ten windows consist of PVC. 

LAPIS offers a large number of window systems, which, with different frame and wing sizes, meet all wishes perfectly. Interior windows, safety shutters and window shutters, pvc panels for building areas such as door fillings, facade systems and balconies and garden fence systems round off this program. 

A rich variety of shapes and colours and diverse special solutions combined with a high level of dimensional stability, functional safety and long life make our PVC windows the ideal component for creative minds. LAPIS offers a wide selection of profile geometries and muntin bar systems that can be used to create a variety of window formats and partitions as well as segmental and round arches. This means that you can adapt your windows simply and cost-effectively to any architectonic condition. 

Economics, design, function, construction physics, environmental protection and responsible resource management at LAPIS meet the highest demands and successfully connect with the knowledge of the window manufacturer. 

With the confidence, openness and transparency, LAPIS, we face the challenges of the future.

If you are looking for a reliable business partner, choose LAPIS – the synonym for quality.

The synonym for quality


Fra Nikole Ivankovića 18

+387 63 813 600